KUMPULAN SOAL SD. Ujian Akhir Semester adalah salah satu jenis evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh pendidik kepada peserta didik dalam periode tertentu guna mengukur ketercapaian suatu Kompetensi Dasar (KD). Ujian Akhir Semester dapat berupa soal Pilihan ganda kelas 6 kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018 terdiri dari soal Ujian Semester bahasa inggris kelas 6 sd, soal ulangan bahasa inggris kelas 6 semester 2, soal ulangan anak paud, soal ulangan bahasa inggris, soal soal ulangan nasional, soal ulangan harian kelas 6 kurikulum 2013, soal ulangan harian kelas 4 semester 1 kurikulum 2013. Ulangan harian dapat berupa tes maupun non tes.

Berikut ini contoh ulangan harian dalam bentuk tes tulis. Berikut ini adalah Soal Bahasa Inggris Semester Tahun 2019-2020. Baca Selengkapnya..
Pencarian Populer Lainnya
Pencarian Populer Lainnya
- Soal Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 5 SD | Soal Latihan
- Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD
- Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5
- Soal Ulangan Harian Kelas 6 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018
- Soal Ulangan Harian Kelas 6 Kurikulum 2013 | Soal Agama Kelas 6 SD
- Soal Ulangan Harian Kelas 6 Kurikulum 2013 | Soal IPS Kelas 6 SD
- Soal UTS IPA Kelas 6 Semester Genap
- Soal UTS IPA Kelas 6 Semester Genap Tahun 2019-2020
(Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf A, B, C, atau D di depan jawaban yang paling benar !)
1. There … some animals in the zoo
A. on
B. in
C. are
D. is
2. Mrs. Mia. … two daughter
A. have
B. has
C. had
D. can
3. It is … orange
A. are
B. a
C. an
D. the
4. He works in the rice field, he is a …
A. doctor
B. farmer
C. soldier
D. nurse
5. I always take a bath in the …
A. bedroom
B. bathroom
C. kitchen
D. livingroom
6. In the night we have …
A. lunch
B. breakfast
C. dinner
D. suppert
7. Mina … a girl
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
8. I have a … nose
A. oval
B. curly
C. white
D. pointed
9. We have … fingers
A. eight
B. nine
C. ten
D. eleven
10. Abel and Ara … students
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
11. he has a … face
A. flat
B. pointed
C. short
D. round
12. ....… pencils do you have ?
I have four pencils
A. how are you
B. how many
C. how do you do
D. how old are you
13. Meilin is … a red dress
A. reading
B. sitting
C. wearing
D. watching
14. Excuse me, may I … your jacket ?
A. borrow
B. have
C. wearing
D. watching
15. four times eight is …
A. thirty two
B. thirty twenty
C. three two
D. three twenty
16. Nichole : ….
James : how do you do.
A. how are you
B. how do you do
C. good morning
D. see you
17. Is she a pilot ? No, …
A. she is
B. she isn’t
C. not she is
D. yes she is
18. ...… ? I am twelve years old
A. how are you
B. how old are you
C. how do you do
D. how many
19. There is a book ….... (di atas) the table
A. between
B. on
C. in front of
D. beside
20. I always use an …. to go to school
A. jacket
B. switer
C. uniform
D. shoes
1. Mention five of our body !
2. Describe about your face !
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